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Farglory Group’s First Sustainability Highlight Report to Reveal “NEX Community”!

How exciting it would be to get a glimpse of what life will be like in 2070? Farglory Group proactively published our first Sustainability Highlight Report (hereinafter “the Report”) by gathering the sustainability actions of the eight business sectors. This is the official announcement of Farglory Group’s sustainable vision and its outlook for the next 50 years for human society, with “NEX Community” being the main focus. (Mr. Shun-Chin Yang, Vice President of Farglory Group, is explaining the value and concept of Farglory’s publishing the Report to the team.)

Envisioning a sustainable future from the Group’s perspectiv

The Report is aimed at presenting the sustainable vision and strategy of the entire group, which briefly integrates the key performance of each business sector. Additionally, the Report highlights the Farglory Group’s vision and the partnership with each business sector, and it demonstrates our conception and imagination of both the future and sustainability. In the past, Farglory had always been seen by the public as unapproachable and mysterious, but now, with the publication of the Report, Farglory’s information is transparently disclosed and shared. Moreover, the comparability and consistency of the data are also ensured. This action is a declaration of compliance and concern for the international trend of sustainability, and it demonstrates the importance Farglory has placed on the Group’s commitment to ESG issues.

The motto of taking action first before anything else

In recent years, Farglory has launched numerous internal projects, including the reuse of old project site building materials by Farglory Land, the comprehensive public welfare project covering ecology and long-term care by Farglory Life Insurance, the complete facilities makeover based on customer demand and the largescale incorporation of locally sourced food ingredients by Farglory Hotel Hualien, and the transformation of Farglory Ocean Park into a themed edutainment park focusing on “Co-Sharing Joy, Co-Education, and Coexistence” with the ocean. Furthermore, Farglory Ocean Park has also looked into the possibility of establishing a cetacean rehabilitation center with the expertise of the park’s trainers. The tens of thousands of partners across our eight business sectors truly believe in sustainability and make a big difference in people’s lives through their daily actions.

These practical achievements are what makes us confident in publishing the Report. Farglory Group will continue to publish the Report every year in the future to discover the infinite possibilities for a shared future of co-prosperity by upholding the spirit of “Taking action, then sharing our joy in the results of Farglory’s perseverance.”

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UN SDG 12.6: Responsible Consumption and Production

。Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle.

Farglory Group Sustainability Intention: Navigation > Sustainable Governance

Behind a sustainable brand is a mindset of sustainable governance. For our stakeholders, sustainable governance represents the enhancement of operating systems, regulatory compliance, digital data security, risk control & management, and information sharing in all aspects. Looking ahead to the next 50 years, Farglory Group is ready to move forward in a more stable manner.


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