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Farglory Group NEX Special Issue “Inheritance”: A Real Dialogue Between Tradition and Innovation

Is “innovation” always the right thing to do in your opinion? Should “tradition” be eliminated eventually? When did the transition between old and new gradually become a social conflict that cannot be ignored? With the various organizational and cultural expansions and changes that Farglory Group has experienced along the way, this Special Issue on “Inheritance” will lead us to critically look into what makes a true legacy.

Radical transformation without losing one’s roots

In recent years, Farglory Group has spawned several groundbreaking experiments, gradually dispelling the public’s stereotypes of large-scale local companies as being conservative. The Group remodeled the workplace area, reinvented the brand intention, and challenged the existing culture. What has been described as “bold” by outsiders is in fact wrapped in unchanging values and emotions. A closer look reveals that the new branding wall was deliberately assembled using old stone materials, as well as the blue whale-colored marble conference table that has been relocated three times. These are not only responses to the social responsibility of a circular economy but also appreciation and continuation of the Group’s fighting spirit and memories of the past.

The best inheritance is selflessly co-created with partners

In 2020, Farglory Group proposed its new brand proposition and corporate value, “Dream Bigger. Do Together” and “Partners”, respectively. Yet, how the new slogan and value are put into practice is a test of the enterprise’s determination and execution. In fact, partnership has always been upheld by Farglory as a principle, and has been demonstrated in the tacit understanding and sense of camaraderie cultivated with our collaborative partners over the years, the respect and excitement with our designers, and the appreciation of senior employees for our responsibility to take care of them. In the process of genuine interaction, the values of honesty and openness naturally develop and influence each other and the colleagues around us.

“What we want to pass down are values, not systems,” a thought-provoking reminder from Mr. Wen-Chia Chao, Vice Chairman of Farglory Group. Farglory employees are invited to read the Special Issue in the shared areas of each workplace. Together, we can deconstruct the customary traditions to find the original intentions worth passing on.
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UN SDG 17.17: Partnerships for the Goals

Encourage and promote effective public, public-private, and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships.

Farglory Group Sustainability Intention: Brand Navigation > Sustainable Brand

Farglory Group considers brand image to be its most important asset. The brand not only represents our image and identity but also establishes a presence in our customers’ minds and creates an overall perception of Farglory Group. We haven’t changed in terms of cherishing our brand. Therefore, in addition to constantly enhancing brand awareness and brand recognition, we also pay attention to the realization of customers’ rights through our brand, with an aim to make the brand more meaningful.


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