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Farglory Group’s First “Workplace” Special Issue Showcases its Corporate Heritage with Real Stories

“Wow!” Behind the exclamations lie the complicated emotions of employees. Only 20% positive feedback received and a mountain of skepticism to overcome—this was the tense situation faced when Farglory Land relocated to its newly inaugurated shared workplace in 2021. However, Farglory knew that this was a necessary step in the corporate culture revolution. In March 2023, a Special Issue documenting the spirit of workplace remodeling was published, and this time, Farglory wanted to “inscribe” a brand-new mindset into the hearts of every Farglory employee through the use of powerful words.

Sounding a thunderous yet invigorating horn with stories

When the thunder strikes in spring, all living creatures revive with vigor! This is the vitality needed by Farglory Group after existing for more than half a century. The Special Issue faithfully presents the meanings of “breakthrough” and “adventure” in workplace remodeling to employees. Thus, although only a few of employees actually participated in the project, the stories shared in the Special Issue make everyone feel as if they were personally on the scene.

The experimental spirit of transforming construction site waste, the shared space that breaks through old layout patterns, and the project team that connects employees of different levels and different departments—each of these aspects challenges the traditional work patterns that Farglory employees are accustomed to and stimulates everyone to rethink the roles of an office and oneself.

Setting a new standard with “authenticity” and “aesthetics”

Authenticity means “to achieve real results before talking about publicity and expansion”, whereas aesthetics means “the sense of design that a product must have to attract people’s attention”. From workplace remodeling to Special Issue publication, Farglory has filled every space with stories and design concepts, as well as a feeling that everyone wants to imitate. For this reason, the Special Issue is not merely a public relations publication, but rather, a documentary filled with stories. With these actions, Farglory conveys the fearless spirit of “playing for real; playing big” to every employee.

Collision is exactly what we intended

In the Special Issue’s preface, the remarks of Mr. Wen-Chia Chao, Vice Chairman of Farglory Group, provide an insightful commentary on the transformation of corporate culture, “The success or failure of the 16th floor (the first remodeled space in the headquarters) is highly controversial, but the process of collision is exactly what we want. If you feel shocked by the action, it’s because you haven’t spent enough time understanding, touching, and feeling the results, which will allow the story to seep into the core of your mind, little by little.”

There are still many stories awaiting to be explored. We invite you to step into the common reading area in your spare time and immerse yourselves in the publication entitled “Brainstorming Special Issue”, eventually gaining a new view and developing a new direction for your career.
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UN SDG 12.8: Responsible Consumption and Production

By 2030 ensure that people everywhere have the relevant information and awareness for sustainable development and lifestyles in harmony with nature.

Farglory Group Sustainability Intention: Brand Navigation > Sustainable Brand

Farglory Group considers brand image to be its most important asset. The brand not only represents our image and identity, but also establishes a presence in our customers’ minds and creates an overall perception of Farglory Group. We haven’t changed in terms of cherishing our brand. Therefore, in addition to constantly enhancing brand awareness and brand recognition, we also pay attention to the realization of customers’ rights through our brand, with an aim to make the brand more meaningful.


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